The Tragedy of Audrey Munson, America’s First Supermodel

Taudrey-munson-mourning_victoryhe image of Audrey Munson is still on display in museums from Hartford to San Francisco. A statue of her, America’s first supermodel, presides over Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Mass. She holds a Bible as Evangeline in the Longfellow Memorial in Cambridge, Mass. She was even in mass circulation for decades as the model for the Winged Liberty Head Dime and the Walking Liberty Half Dollar.
She was so ubiquitous in New York she was nicknamed ‘Miss Manhattan.’
Audrey appears atop the Municipal Building, at the entrance to the Manhattan Bridge, on the Pulitzer Fountain in front of the Plaza.
Her fall was as swift and as spectacular as was her rise to fame. By the time the coins bearing her image were taken out of circulation, she was completely forgotten, confined to an insane asylum and then buried in an unmarked grave.